14 October 2011

in the meantime

To give you something a little more exciting to look at than a plain white envelope, here are a couple pictures from our ultrasound this week.

Oh, and it appears that my friend from high school may be pregnant with her first - I'll find out this weekend. She and I have birthdays two days apart (we had our sweet sixteen birthday party together) - wouldn't it be strange if our kids are also days apart in age?

12 October 2011

in this envelope

In this envelope,

that one right there, is a picture. The picture is an ultrasound picture, on which the tech has written the gender of our child. We're told the picture makes it fairly clear whether it's a boy or a girl.

We're not sure when we'll open it, but for now, I like knowing that we can find out whenever we decide to. All we have to do is open the envelope.