07 April 2012

The first weeks - part I

Like most (or all) first time parents, the first few weeks at home were quite an adjustment. The days and nights blurred together, and believe it or not, time flew by, despite the lack of sleep.
We had a doctor's appointment when J was six days old, at which time he had already returned to his birth weight. The doctor was very impressed! The following day, Mommy got to shower and do her hair and makeup - what a treat!

Here are a few highlights of our first days as a new family of three:

Week 1

Skin to skin time - so precious! 

Everyone is tired, can you tell?

J's first Mets game with Daddy! 

First bath at home

Meeting Nana! 

Nana, Papa, and Baby J in his St. Patrick's Day outfit.

Papa and Baby J. 

Ryan, Tasha, Baby J and cousin Anna.
Celebrating St. Patrick's Day and the first Timbers  game of the year! 

Cousin Anna in her St. Patty's Day outfit. 

Aunties with cousins together for the first time. 

Anna kissing Baby J. 

This photo pretty much describes how everyone felt the first week! 

1 comment:

  1. So cute!! It is a good thing that you don't stay that tired forever. The first 8 weeks are the hardest as far as being tired. Thanks for sharing your transition with us :)
